Punnvõrride ökosõidu race guide 9. June Moel.

Punnvõrride ökosõidu race guide 9. June Moel.


1. Goal: Identify the most ökom võrr. Each tank is placed võrrile 3
liter gasoline blend. The competition lasts 4 hours. Whose võrr most laps
the prescribed amount of fuel will make the winner's. Classes will be calculated separately.
2. execution: Mopeds registreerimistelki all come with an empty tank,
and the opening of the valve is checked by visual inspection. Carburetor Float-chamber
petrol can be. Each team comes with its mixture of petrol, which is poured into the tank
calibrated mõõtekannuga. Then seal it shut and petrol paagikork
hose. (It means, the reconnaissance should be prior registration.)
3. ride: Travel must take place during the pilot exchanges. To this end,
Judge transition area, who registers Exchanges. Required minimum one
exchange. Set Top Box Lasse sisenemisel, To monitor repair Võrri
abikohtunike by. It is a closed-box area, which is present only in
repaired Võrri team.
4. Determining the Winning Hand: The winner is, who 3 liter of petrol 4 hour
During the passing through more rounds. The last round is allowed to run until the end.
Equal circuits: it will be a better place, who became a full-time before the circles.
The container can be added to the second valve.