Rules 2024


1.1 It is driven on leg shakers/ bump bars.

1.2 Team wins, whose competitive hardware control period has passed the most laps.

1.3 Competition classes in endurance racing: retro, originaal, open (NB! familiarize yourself with the "Technical conditions 2024"). If there are enough teams, the Chinese class will be reopened.

1.4 The starting order is formed according to the overall results of the previous races by class (open, originaal, retro).

1.5 DANGEROUS DRIVING is prohibited on the race track, such as pushing, ramming or any other activity, which can lead to injuries to the driver himself or fellow competitors. The activity is also prohibited, which may hinder the success of the competition.

1.6 Alcohol- or drunk driving is strictly prohibited.

1.7 Minors are allowed on track only with parent's or guardian's consent.


2.1 Team size from two to four members. Changing competitors is mandatory.

2.2 The team must be registered for the competition by the deadline specified by the stage organizer.

2.3 Since 2024 of the season is the team registration fee 50 EUR. Who is late with registration or registers on the spot, pays for participating in competitions 70 EUR.

2.4 Each rider must be on the pre-registered competitor list before the starting flag drops. A driver can be pre-registered in several different teams.

2.5 Changes made to riders during the competition are only allowed for a good reason and with the permission of the head judge, after which the rider added to the new team must be registered in the list of competitors.

2.6 In case of dangerous driving, the head judge can call the driver to order and stop his driving(Vt 4.5).

2.7 The competitors' safety equipment must meet the established technical conditions throughout the race. Required safety equipment includes:

– helmet with chin guard

– gloves

– ankle boots

– a long-sleeved shirt

- Long trousers

2.8 The competitor is obliged to wear a racing shirt, on the back of which the race number is visibly written (see "Technical conditions 2024").

2.9 Each team's booth could have the team's race number displayed in a visible place. Goal: the referee does not have to close the cage on the track, to convey a message to the driver/team, but he can go to the box instead (thanks to the "marking" of the box, the right box can be found quickly) and relay the message to the team members in the pit.

3. COMPETITION MACHINE E PUNNVRR and moving with it in the competition area

3.1 The vehicle must meet the established technical conditions throughout the journey.

3.2 Repairs are permitted during competitions.

3.3 Changing the cage and frame during the competition is PROHIBITED.

3.4 If the engine is not marked in the technical committee, then the complex motor can be changed, the chief judge must be notified. The removable engine can be taken over by the referee, until the end of the technical inspection. The team that changed the engine has the obligation to pass a technical inspection at the end of the race, when it is carried out.

3.5 If the engine is marked in the technical commission (usually only on 24h trips), then engine change during the race is allowed, but for this the new engine must be completely disassembled. Bearings may be inside the crankcase housed bearings. Engine exchange must be coordinated with the judge, who supervises changing process, that it abides with the established rules.

3.6 Repairing vehicle on track is forbidden.

3.7 Alas immediate repair banned.

3.8 The changing area is divided conceptually (or another way) into two parts:

1) the part on the side of the track is intended for a quick change of riders, where is staying at the same time 2 competitor in driving equipment;

2) the part on the side of the pit area is the so-called refueling area, where you can stay at the same time 3 team member and they do not need to be in driving gear.

3.9 Box or transition area turned to give it to know fellow contestants hands.

3.10 Broken competition equipment is transported by human power to the pit area by the safest route. Avoid moving in the opposite direction on the race course.

3.11 When driving from the race track to the pit or from the pit to the race track, ignoring the changeover area, the team is penalized for each fixed order 5 removed laps from total.

3.12 At the end of each race, the organizer may, at the discretion of the organizer, carry out a technical inspection of the machines placed on the podium in all competition classes., plus one freely chosen equation. The place and points of the given stage will be canceled for those who do not appear for the technical inspection.

3.13 Number plates

Retro - green (RGB 99CC33) Black number on base

Original – black number on a green background

Free class - a black number on a white background

Color codes are necessary for those, who do not want a number plate, but they make the numbers on the plastics themselves.


4.1 The course of the competitions is regulated and undefined situations are settled by the chief judge. If necessary, a panel of judges can be convened (chief justice, The main organizer, organizer of the stage, technical consultant), which helps to clear undefined situations. Decisions made on the spot are final. The conflict rules, the organizer of the event is a superior series of rules.

4.2 Do not argue with a referee.

4.3 Judges can track every point show the flags of the contestants alerts, which contestants must obey. President of the Jury, a competitor may also be used to stop the käemärguannet.

4.4 If the Chief Judge decides to impose a fine for the violation, then it is the amount of the fine 5 round. The maximum fine is a disklaff.

4.5 The chief judge has the right to call the driver to order in case of dangerous driving as follows:

1) detaining a rider at the track with a red flag or hand signal and giving a verbal warning, after which the driver can continue driving immediately (“Stop&Go”);

2) stopping a rider on the track with a red flag or hand signal and directing the rider to the changeover area for a rest break 5 for a minute (Stop&Go-5min) – refueling and repairs may not be carried out during this time, the contestant may not be changed;

3) disklaff.

4.6 Referee flags:

– red flag (stop immediately);

– yellow flag (motionless) the risk of runway, reduce speed, No passing;

– yellow flag (moves up and down) a serious threat, be prepared to stop, No passing;

– black and white checkered flag – finish.

4.7 Judges armor colors:

– Chief Justice and (abi)referees wear an orange vest;

– flag judges wear a yellow vest.


5.1 The organizer is not required to share a free meal, must be guaranteed the opportunity to purchase food.

5.2 The presence of a medic throughout the competition is mandatory.

5.3 Depending on the characteristics of organized competition provides the following:

– duration of the ride;

– allowed number of members in the team;

– the procedure for carrying out a technical inspection and filling out the deductible declaration;

– other relevant.

5.4 The stage organizer can give out special prizes if desired (for example, the oldest / youngest participant, the most stylish rider / team, etc.).

5.5 At the end of each race, the organizer may, at the discretion of the organizer, carry out a technical inspection of the machines placed on the podium in all competition classes., plus one freely chosen equation. The organizer ensures the possibility of washing the machines before disassembling the engines.


6.1 Competition classes in endurance racing: retro, originaal, open.

6.2 All competition classes are opened at the beginning of the season, regardless of the number of participants. All classes are awarded at the end of the season regardless of the number of participants.

6.3 In order to reopen the Chinese class, a min. must register for the competition 4 team.

6.4 Scoring (points are counted separately in each competition class):

1. place 25 points 11. place 10 points

2. place 22 points 12. place 9 points

3. place 20 points 13. place 8 points

4. place 18 points 14. place 7 points

5. place 16 points 15. place 6 points

6. place 15 points 16. place 5 points

7. place 14 points 17. place 4 points

8. place 13 points 18. place 3 points

9. place 12 points 19. place 2 points

10. place 11 points 20. place 1 point

6.5 +1 point for every race hour for those, who have completed at least half of their class winner circles.

6.6 In the event of a tie in the overall standings, the best places of the teams are taken into account. If there is a tie in this case as well, the result of the last race will decide.


7.1 The protest will be processed 30 EUR-i pay the Chief Marshal in.

7.2 Protests can be filed 15 minutes after the end of the races. In case of a very good reason and a serious violation, it is exceptionally possible to file a protest later. Submit a later protest to the general organizer, who will process it with a panel of judges.

7.3 Protests against violations of the technical conditions will be processed by the panel of judges during an additional technical inspection. The fine depends on the severity of the violation, but the max rate is the deduction of given stage points.

7.3 The timekeeper is involved in the processing of the protest submitted to the timekeeper, chief justice, stage manager, The main organizer.

7.4 A proven intentional or unsportsmanlike violation of the rules – the protest is processed by the panel of judges. A proven intentional or unsportsmanlike violation of the rules will result 5 dropping or disqualifying a lap or deducting given stage points (see point 4.4 and 4.5).


8.1 If the transponder is lost or broken, there is a charge 70 EUR.

8.2 The transponder could be placed on the saddle, if possible.

8.3 The timer has the right to decide in cooperation with the stage organizer, where to install the timing system on the track or where it should definitely not be installed.

8.4 During competitions, the timekeeper is obliged to inform the stage organizer, if there are problems with timing and the real standings are not visible to the competitors in the online system. The organizer of the stage must inform the teams about the errors related to timing.

8.5 At the first opportunity, replace the non-working transponder and AVOID READING CIRCLES MANUALLY. If rounds are counted manually, then the timekeeper is obliged to show the real standings on paper every half hour.

8.6 If the timing system does not read several transponders and the online system does not transmit the real standings, then the drive should be stopped and all non-working transponders should be replaced. The decision is made by the timekeeper, chief judge and stage organizer.