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Favorable to the entry fee (5 € per participant) registreerimisaega extended 1. maini k.a.! Since 2. May to 5. maini 10 €. Head registration!


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Maidla VolbriVõrr 2012 Schedule and Supplementary Agenda May 5 2012: since 10.00 - arrival 11.00 .. 13.00 Technical Committee 13.00 - Raja foreclosure 13.15 - Opening ceremony 13.45 - The parade Race Maidla uncrowned Võrrikuninga…


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Punnvõrride Cup endurance race - PunKK 2012! the first phase of "Maidla VolbriVõrr" Registration has begun! Athletes compete in the following classes: Standard, Technicians, Baskets 50 cm3 and baskets 80 cm3.


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Punnvõrride Cup endurance race - PunKK 2012! 1. Stage: 05.May Maidla VolbriVõrr, Ida-Viru; 4-5h 2. Stage: 26.mai Vinni KevadPunn, Lääne-Viru; 3h 3. Stage: 23.June Sargvere Sääru, Järvamaa; 3h 4. Stage: 11.August…

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